Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Successful Online Flirting: Six Tips for Men

Successful Online Flirting: Six Tips for Men by Chonticha Marijne

What works for "brick and mortar" flirting will also work for online flirting. Flirting is an art form and all good online dating relationships begin with successful flirting!

Effective flirting really is a skill that requires you to be confident without being over the top. If you overstep your boundaries, it's very likely that the lady will think that you are "slimy". If you hold back, it's probable that she'll find you "wimpy".

The challenge is to ride that fine line between being slimy and wimpy. You will also need to do it all online without having the benefit of eye contact or body language.

All you have is a computer, Internet access and your membership to an online dating site, right?

1. Have fun! Be light-hearted, upbeat, funny and entertaining. Keep it playful. You'll make her look forward to emailing or chatting with you again.

2. Ooze confidence. Successful flirts have a positive outlook on life. You need to transmit that "feel good" factor. An optimistic attitude and confidence will attract women to you like a fragrant flower attracts bees.

3. Compliment her... and you should do it often, but be subtle and sincere. Mention her great smile, or the cute dog in her photo, or that you admire the fact that she plays the guitar. Nothing will open doors for you like making her feel good about herself. She will be eager to spend more time with you and to meet you and if she pays you a compliment in return, always respond with a "thank you". Under no circumstances be self-deprecating - it will just make you look wimpy.

4. Listen to her and then listen some more. Pay attention to what she has to say and ask her appropriate questions at the right time. This will encourage her to open up and talk about herself. Make her feel that she is truly interesting and that you are interested in her. This will work wonders for your budding relationship!

5. Don't be rude. Flirting does not give you the right to be sexually explicit nor does it mean that you should take offense if the lady doesn't respond to you. If she isn't interested, save yourself the trouble and move on to your next prospect. If you find that you're receiving many rejections, you will want to reconsider your approach.

6. Send an email after you have chatted. This is the same as sending a thank-you note after receiving a gift and it is vital to successful flirting.

Flirting is the first step to a successful relationship and it should be fun and never a chore! However, your aim is not to spend too much time online, but to head for that first date so that you can test whether there is real chemistry between you. If the flirting has gone well, she'll be open to meeting you. If she's not interested, move on to the next candidate. You'll notice that you're getting better at it each time and before you know it, you'll have met your match!

About the Author
Chonticha Marijne enjoys writing about the challenges and dynamics of online dating. For more of her contributions, visit her blog at http://TheOnlineDatingBlog.com .

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